(enchant:?passage, (bg: "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/05/30/22/24/coffee-2358388_1280.jpg"))
(align:"=><=")[(text-style:"bold","buoy")[Don't Let Your Dreams be Beans]
by Joshua Whittom
[[Begin->Introduction 1]]
(text-colour:black)[(text-size: 0.5)[Background photo by Pfüderi on pixabay]]]
(set: $clientGender to (random: 2)) <!--m, f, nb-->
(set: $clientPronouns to (cond: $clientGender is 0, (a: "he", "him", "his", "he's", "he's"), $clientGender is 1, (a: "she", "her", "her", "she's", "she's"), $clientGender is 2, (a: "they", "them", "their", "they're", "they've")))
(set: $clientTrust to 0)
(set: $sternIntro to false)
(set: $latte to false)
(set: $lostTrust to false)
You sit in a coffee shop, sipping a peppermint mocha and flipping through your notes for the twelfth time this morning. You're used to clients running late—as a career counselor, you're familiar with the inconsistency of public transit. Your new client will arrive soon. Probably.
[[Reread your client's file. ->Introduction 2]]This client's name is Robin. (upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 4th) a 23-year-old who graduated recently with a Bachelor's in English. In the six months since, (print: $clientPronouns's 5th) struggled to find a good fit in the job market, which led (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) to you.
"Excuse me," someone says, breaking your focus on your notes.
[[Look up. ->Introduction 3]]"I'm Robin," (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) continue(if: $clientGender < 2)[s]. "Am I correct to assume that you're..."
You decide to complete (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) sentence for (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd).
[["...the career counselor?" ->Introduction Gentle]]
[["...waiting on you?" ->Introduction Stern]]"Oh gosh, I'm so late." Robin puts (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) head in (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) hands guiltily. "I'm so sorry."
"You're forgiven. Keep in mind, though, that punctuality is crucial when you start a new job."
(set: $clientTrust to $clientTrust - 1)(set: $lostTrust to true)
(display: "Introduction 4")Robin meets your smile in kind. "Oh, thank goodness. I was worried you'd have left."
"No need. I try to find convenient meeting places for everyone, but public transit finds a way."
(display: "Introduction 4")You gesture towards the front counter.
"Why don't you grab something to drink and we can get started? I can't stay much longer than our scheduled time, but that's enough to lay the groundwork."
(upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) nod(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] and set(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) jacket on the chair before departing.
[[Consider first impressions. ->Introduction 5]]Robin seems well-meaning, if scattered. (upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 4th) more than a little anxious, but that's no great surprise given (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) situation. You have plenty of experience—first- and secondhand—with the demoralizing reality of modern job hunting. Effective counsel will give (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) an edge in breaking the cycle of rejection.
[[Take a sip. ->Introduction 6]]You pick up your mug and take a drink, savoring the melding of cool mint and warm coffee. Naysayers can naysay elsewhere; seasonal beverages are one of humankind's greatest advancements.
As you revel in the majesty of bean-based brilliance, Robin returns, carefully cradling a whipped cream topped mug in (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) hands.
[[Ask about (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) drink. ->Introduction Latte]]
[[Get down to business. ->Introduction Business]](upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) (if: $sternIntro)[seem(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] surprised](else:)[smile(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] warmly]. "I have a soft spot for gingerbread lattes. They're the best thing for a cold morning."
You nod, contemplating. "I'll have to try one next time."
"Definitely. They never disappoint!"
(set: $clientTrust to $clientTrust + 1)(set: $latte to true)
(display: "Introduction 7")You wait a moment for (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) to settle into (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) seat before speaking.
(display: "Introduction 7")"Now then. I've been over the information you provided on the new client form and I want to hear from you directly. What brought you to me?" You look at (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) expectantly, filling the silence with another sip.
(upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) close(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) eyes to think. After a moment, (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) nod(if: $clientGender < 2)[s], apparently arriving at an answer.
[[Continue... ->Introduction 8]]"Well, just like anyone, I've been looking for a job since I graduated back in May. I've been through a couple of part time gigs, mostly retail, but... I studied for years, built up a mountain of debt, and I'm not even using it?
"Job sites just recommend copywriting, which isn't my speed, and none of the places I've reached out to have gotten back to me. Something needed to change, so," (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) shrug(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] resignedly, "here I am."
[[Continue... ->Introduction 9]]You nod as (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) finishe(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] with a blithe half smile. "First, you're not alone. I'm sure you could guess, but most of my clients have similar stories. Second, let me ask you this:
[["What experience do you have?" ->Experience 1]]
[["What are you interested in?" ->Interest 1]]"My experience since graduating has been mostly retail, like I said. While I was studying, I had an internship writing documentation for a software startup."
[["How did you get it?" ->Experience How]]
[["What was it like?" ->Experience What]]
[["Software is a profitable option." ->Experience Profit]]"I've always loved creative writing. I do a little bit of everything—stories, poetry, even a bit of screenplay. Short stories are my favorite, though. No question."
[["Why an English degree?" ->Interest Degree]]
[["Do you have a favorite genre?" ->Interest Genre]]
[["Why not write a book?" ->Interest Profit]]Robin smiles. "One of my professors knew I was looking for work. She was always trying to nudge us out of our comfort zones, and she knew I had a blind spot in instructional writing." (upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) laugh(if: $clientGender < 2)[s], "I didn't make a good teacher's aide, but I got a lot better with documentation."
[["Would you do it again?" ->Experience Again]]
(if: not (visited: "Experience What"))[["What was it like?" ->Experience What]]Robin's expression remains neutral. "It wasn't bad. The coding stuff was out of my comfort zone, but I didn't mind the work. Paid pretty well, too, for an internship."
[["Would you do it again?" ->Experience Again]]
(if: not (visited: "Experience How"))[["How did you get it?" ->Experience How]](upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) roll(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) eyes. "So says everyone in my family. If I wanted to work in software, I'd have gone for a computer science degree."
You open your mouth to speak and Robin's face falls.
"I'm sorry," (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) adds hurriedly. "I know you probably didn't mean it that way. I've just... had a lot of people trying to change my mind."
(set: $clientTrust to $clientTrust - 1)(set: $lostTrust to true)
(if: $clientTrust > -2)[[Change the subject. ->Try Again A]](else:)[[... ->Client Walks Out 1]](upperfirst: $clientPronoun's 1st) think(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] for a moment, taking a sip of (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) latte.
"I don't know," (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) muse(if: $clientGender < 2)[s]. "I don't think I could write about software for the rest of my life
[["What if you weren't writing about software?" ->Experience Established]]
[["That's out, then. Any other experience?" ->Experience Not Established]]
[["Software is a profitable option." ->Experience Profit]]"No, I'm sorry," you say. "We'll move on from that one.
(if: not (visited: where its tags contains "Experience"))[["What experience do you have?" ->Experience 1]](else-if: not (visited: where its tags contains "Interest"))[["What are you interested in?" ->Interest 1]](else:)[[... ->No Interest Established 1]]Robin rises to (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) feet, eyes downcast. "Look, I... don't think this is working. I'm gonna go, I'll figure something else out." (upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) slip(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) jacket over (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) shoulders and turn(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] away. "I'll still pay you for your time, of course. Just..." (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) zip(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] the jacket over (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) mouth, then shake(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) head, "never mind. Thanks anyway."
You're too stunned to reply as Robin walks away, leaving behind a cold, half-finished latte. Massaging your temples, you think back over your conversation.
[[... ->Client Walks Out 2]]$sternIntro[You probably could have started off on better footing.]
(visited: where its tags contains "Profit")[Make sure to get all the context you can before offering advice.]
(link: "Try Again")[(restart:)]You glance at your watch and wince. You attempt to hide it, but you can tell Robin caught it.
"We're out of time, aren't we," (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) state(if: $clientGender < 2)[s]. "I'm sorry for wasting your morning, I know we didn't really get any-"
You raise a hand to stop (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) and (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) trail(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] off.
"Nothing to apologize for, these things take time. Keep thinking on what we discussed. Maybe you'll come up with something before our next meeting."
(upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) nod(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] and give(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] a half-hearted attempt at a grin. "Two weeks, right?"
"That's right. Is here okay, or would you prefer somewhere else?"
"Here is fine! I'll leave earlier next time. See you then."
[[... ->No Interest Established 2]]As (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) leave(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] the coffee shop, you look over your notes. You're sure there were some promising threads in your conversation, but you didn't quite pick up on them. Maybe if you had presented alternative possibilities at the right times...
(link: "Try Again")[(restart:)]Robin's eyes widen. "I... hadn't thought about that. What else could I write like that for?"
You smile. "Sounds like that's worth researching before we meet next."
(set: $clientTrust to $clientTrust + 1)
[[... ->Interest Area Established 1]]"Not really, no." Robin frowns. "I'm sorry, I know that's not much to go on."
[[Ask about something else. ->Try Again B]]You check your watch and begin to pack up your notes. "That's about all the time I have today. How are you feeling?"
Robin's fingers fly across (print: $clientPronouns's 3rd) phone screen and you presume (print: $clientPronouns's 5th) taking last minute notes.
"I'm feeling good. I'll (visited: "Experience Established")[research technical writing](visited: "Interest Established")[update my portfolio] before we meet next time. Two weeks, right?"
You nod. "Is the same place okay?$latte[ Maybe I'll try that gingerbread latte next time.]"
(upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) nod(if: $clientGender < 2)s back. "Yep! I'll give myself plenty of time to get here. See you then!"
[[... ->Interest Area Established 2]]You smile as you watch (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd) leave the coffee shop. $lostTrust[It may not have been perfect, but y](else:)[Y]ou can't wait to see where this goes.
(link: "Try Again")[(restart:)]You shake your head. "No need. That's what I'm here for, after all."
(if: not (visited: where its tags contains "Experience"))[["What experience do you have?" ->Experience 1]](else-if: not (visited: where its tags contains "Interest"))[["What are you interested in?" ->Interest 1]](else:)[[... ->No Interest Established 1]](upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) sigh(if: $clientGender < 2)[s]. "I tried, I really did. My parents wouldn't support me getting an art degree. It took months of arguing my case for them to finally settle on English."
[["Do you have a portfolio?" ->Interest Portfolio]]
(if: not (visited: "Interest Genre"))[["Do you have a favorite genre?" ->Interest Genre]]"I enjoy most things, but my favorites are horror and science fiction. Sometimes both!" (upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) laugh(if: $clientGender < 2)[s]. "You'd be surprised how many people are scared of aliens."
You shake your head nervously, laughing with (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd), "I'm not sure I would be."
[["Do you have a portfolio?" ->Interest Portfolio]]
(if: not (visited: "Interest Degree"))[["Why an English degree?" ->Interest Degree]]Robin scoffs. "Stories take a lot of forms, you know. Everyone's always hung up on writing the next 'great American novel' when I bring it up. If I'd had my way, I would've gone for a creative writing program and made the kind of connections I'd need for short fiction publishing."
You wince and (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) pause(if: $clientGender < 2)[s], looking away sheepishly.
"Sorry, that was a lot."
(set: $clientTrust to $clientTrust - 1)(set: $lostTrust to true)
(if: $clientTrust > -2)[[Change the subject. ->Try Again A]](else:)[[... ->Client Walks Out 1]]"I do," (print: $clientPronouns's 1st) say(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] tentatively. "It's not that good, though. Most of it is from high school, if not earlier."
[["Why not revisit it?" ->Interest Established]]
[["That's a shame." ->Interest Not Established]]
[["Why not write a book?" ->Interest Profit]](upperfirst: $clientPronouns's 1st) still seem(if: $clientGender < 2)[s] hesitant. "That would take a while, wouldn't it? I really need things figured out sooner than that."
"One step at a time," you reassure (print: $clientPronouns's 2nd). "I'm sure you have some work that represents the quality of your writing. Pick the top three or so, make edits if you need to, and write a couple more short stories to fill it out. Then, you'll have five strong pieces to show."
(set: $clientTrust to $clientTrust + 1)
[[... ->Interest Area Established 1]]"Yeah. Sorry, I guess that's kind of a dead end."
[[Ask about something else. ->Try Again B]](if: turns > 1)[(enchant:?page, (bg: "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/04/13/21/42/old-2228749_1280.jpg"))
(text-size: 0.5)[//Background photo by ArtsyBee on pixabay//]]