Let’s Reflect Again, One Last Time

As I look back at the twilight of the semester, there is one thought which stands above the rest:

I am tired.

The exhaustion I feel is not wholly a bad thing, nor is it wholly related to this course. In part, it is the exhaustion of knowing that there was a time that I could have handled the coursework better, knowing that I am not at my best. Even so… there’s a fire in me that wants to do better. I will do better. I would not have developed that conviction if I had dropped the class, as I considered doing near the start of the semester.

I am proud that I saw the course through. I am proud to have been part of a team of good people interested in taking on the project to the best of our collective ability. I am proud that despite my capricious state, I managed to contribute to my team and play a part in developing a promising game concept.

As was the case before the course, I do not intend to pursue a career in game design. More than likely, any game design I do in the future will stick to the entertainment side of things rather than the educational. This does not mitigate the lessons learned in the course, however. Simulation and serious game design focuses heavily on different aspects than entertainment game design, which allowed me to both hone my strengths and bolster my weaknesses. It has also been quite some time since I designed a game with a team, which is necessary for more complex games to see the light of day. I am as glad that I took the course as I am to be leaving it behind and working on myself.

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