
You have mastered the art of becoming the player, one who not only plays games for fun but is able to pay attention to what goes on to compare with other experiences. Play is a fundamental part of learning, while not all forms of play may be fun to every learner, that does not mean that learning is not occurring but that it may be occurring in a different way. Mastering this attribute means you have started on the path to understanding how to utilize this through being the learner.
You have mastered the art of recording your thoughts and reflections in a meaningful way. Reflection is a powerful learning tool as it helps one establish and make connections beyond any course content by engaging with personal experiences. Mastering this attribute means you are ready to take on increasingly more complex problems to sort through by reflecting on your experience with them.

You have mastered the process of GameStorming, exploring different methods for generating new ideas for games-based learning. Ideation is only one aspect of GameStorming however; once you have ideas, you have further demonstrated your ability to turn those ideas into complex stories ready to embed learning into.

You’ve mastered the art of Narratology, the study of stories. In this case, the study of stories for learning through games. Breaking down stories to weave in meaningful learning opportunities is a practice that must be mastered. The complex stories used in game-based learning require an understanding of what the player control versus designer control looks like in the learning experience.